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Global Sourcebook for International Data Management
by Graham Rhind
For supplementary information, see links to post office home pages here , to postal code pages here
and to other personal name and addressing issues pages here
Note: This section last updated 13th December 2020
(where , indicates the decimal separator and . the thousands separator). A space is also used as a thousands separator.
The official language is Spanish . Other languages spoken are: Boruca
(5 speakers); Bribri
(6 000 speakers); Cabécar
(3 000 speakers); Yue Chinese
(4 500 speakers); Maléku Jaíka
(365 speakers); Platdietsch
(100 speakers); Teribe
(5 speakers) and Western Caribbean Creole English
(55 100 speakers).
The abbreviation used for Señorita in Costa Rica is Srta.
Each person usually has a given name followed by two family names, that of the father followed by that of the mother, for example:
Barbara Betancourt Perez
Upon marriage, females may take their husband’s name as a further given name, in this way:
Barbara Betancourt Perez de Lopez
where the de indicates “(wife) of”. De usually indicates a married female, but may also be part of a name.
Professional people are often referred to by their qualification, followed by the given name and paternal family name (and sometimes the maternal family name):
Arquitecto (m) / Arquitecta (f) Architect Doctor (m) / Doctora (f) (Dr/Dra) Doctor Ingeniero (m) / Ingeniera (f) (Ing.) Engineer Licenciado (m) / Licenciada (f) (Lic.) Holder of a university degree Maestro (m) / Maestra (f) Grammar school teachers Profesor (Prof.) Professor, higher education teachers
Tables of names can be acquired: given names, surnames/family names
, family name prefixes
, forms of address
, job titles
Costa Rican company types include:
Empresa Individual de Responsabilidad Limitada (EIRL) Sociedad de Responsabilidad Limitada (SRL) Sociedad Anónima (SA) Sociedades en Comandita (S en C) Sucursal (branch)
Comprehensive tables of these strings can be acquired – see http:www.grcdi.nl/addresses.htm![]()
Wall Street Journal article about the old descriptive system of Costa Rican addresses
Costa Rica changed its address format along with its postal code system in 1st March 2007.
Addresses are written in the following format:
Recipient name {thoroughfare type[]}Thoroughfare name[, ]house number{[, ]floor etc. indicators} {second address line} Province[, ]Locality[, ]District postal code
For example:
Addresses being created in metropolitan areas are being assigned on the basis of a technical standard. Streets have the throughfare types avenida, calle, diagonal or transversal depending on their compass direction, with squares being plazas. Streets are numbered, e.g. avenida 2 with new streets being given the lowest number of the perimeter streets plus a letter. Thus a new street between avenida 2 and avenida 3 would be named avenida 2A. The numbers are allocated on the basis of their position relative to a zero point. Streets to the west and south of this zero point get even numbers; those to the north and east odd numbers. Plazas are numbered on the basis of the north/south streets (avenidas) entering them. Premise numbers are assigned based on the number of metres from the end of the thoroughfare closest to the zero point, with odd numbers on the left (travelling outwards) and even numbers on the right. On plazas numbers travel clockwise from the point closest to the zero point, with odd numbers on the outside perimeter of the square and even numbers on the inside perimeter.
Directional indicators are often used instead of a street name, giving distances and directions from a prominant building such as a church or school, with a description of the delivery point building such as
From the Happy Corner Supermarket, 2 blocks to the north next to the white house with the green door.
For example:
with mts being used as an abbreviation for metres.
An example format for mail to post office boxes is:
When addresses are written in Spanish, calle, the Spanish word for street, is rarely written. The Spanish thoroughfare type, when included, is written before, and separately from, the thoroughfare name. It should be written with the first letter in lower case.
For other address element information, please refer to the chapter on Spain.
A table containing information about the relevant position of elements within address blocks can be acquired![]()
The word for post office box is Apartado. Case Postale, abbreviated to CP or Apartado Postal or AP are also often used.
Costa Rica changed its postal code (Código Postal) system in March 2007 from 4 to 5 or 9 digits in these formats:
99999 99999-9999
The former are used for street addresses, the latter for post office box addresses. The first five digits are a distrital code which equates with geographical areas. The first number indicates the province, the second and third the cantón, the fourth and fifth the district. I.e., the code repeats the information written in full on the line above the postal code line in the address block. For post office boxes the final four digits are the same those used in the postal code before March 2007.
The codes are not widely publicised or used.
Metadata containing postal code formatting rules, exceptions and regular expressions can be acquired![]()
Costa Rica has 7 provinces (provincias, singular - provincia), found in addresses:
Province | Postal code area |
Alajuela |
2 |
Cartago |
3 |
Guanacaste |
5 |
Heredia |
4 |
Limón |
7 |
Puntarenas |
6 |
San José |
1 |
This regions/postal code data can be acquired as a data file![]()
Note: This section last updated 20th December 2011
Costa Rican telephone numbers have no area codes. Subscriber numbers have 8 digits. Mobile numbers commence with 5, 6, 7 or 8.
Every effort is made to keep this resource updated. If you find any errors, or have any questions or requests, please don't hesitate to contact the author.
All information copyright Graham Rhind 2025. Any information used should be acknowledged and referenced.